کتاب های پژوهشی

No Title Year Authors
1 Disseminating Your Action Research: A Practical Guide to Sharing the Results of Practitioner Research 2024 Craig A. Mertler
2 Pragmatism and Methodology: Doing Research That Matters with Mixed Methods 2024 Alex Gillespie, Vlad Glaveanu, Constance DE Saint Laurent

Handbook of Critical Education Research(Qualitative, Quantitative, and Emerging Approaches)

2024 Michelle D. Young and Sarah Diem
4 Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students 2024 Julio Gimenez
5 Advance Praise for Qualitative Research Design and Methods: An Introduction 2024

Kathleen Demarrais, Melissa Freeman, Jori Hall, Katheyn Roulston

6 Textbook of Research Methodology 2023 E. Kamatchi Mahalakshmi, S Sriranjani, Mokshagundam, J.Thirumagal, S. Sheeba, M.M.Malini
7 Secondary Data in Mixed Methods Research 2023 Daphne C. Watkins
8 Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment Essays on Contemporary Psychometrics 2023

L. Andries van der Ark,Wilco H. M. Emons, Rob R. Meijer

9 Supporting Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research 2022

Sofie Bager-Charleson, Alistair McBeath

10 2022 John W. Creswell
11 2022 Kaplan Publishing
12 Design Leadership Ignited Elevating Design at Scale 2022 Eric Quint, Gerda Gemser, Giulia, Calabretta
13 Lobiondo-Wood and Haber’s Nursing Research in Canada: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization 2022 Minad Singh, Lorraine M

Questionnaire Design: How to plan, structure and write surveymaterial for effective market research

2022 Ian Brace and Kate Bolton
15 Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach 2022 Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce B. Abbott
16 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper 2022 Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day
17 Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing 2020 Paul C. Beatty, Debbie Collins, Lyn Kaye, Jose-Luis Padilla, Gordon B.Willis, AmandaWilmot
18 The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research 2020 Helvi Kyngäs,, Kristina Mikkonen, Maria Kääriäinen
19 Computer Supported qualitative research new trends on qualitative research 2019 António Pedro Costa, Luís Paulo Reis, António Moreira
20 Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics 2018 Andy Field

The Wiley Handbook of Psychometric Testing

A Multidisciplinary Reference on Survey, Scale and Test Development
2018 Paul Irwing, Tom Booth, David J. Hughes

Questionnaire Design: How to plan, structure and write survey

material for effective market research
2018 Ian Brace
23 Research Design; Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches 2018 John W. Creswell, J. David Creswell
24 Introduction to Nursing Research Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice 2017 Carol Boswell, Sharon Cannon
25 Research Design Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches 2017 Patricia Leavy
26 Measurement and the Measurement of change 2016 Denise F. Polit, Frances M. Yang
27 A Handbook of Test Construction: Introduction to psychometric design 2015 Paul Kline
28 Analysis of the cognitive interview in questionnaire design 2015 Gordon B. Willis
29 Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques 2015 Prabhat Pandey, Meenu Mishra Pandey
30 Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded-Theory 2015 Juliet Corbin, Anselm Strauss
31 Grounded Theory 2015 Melanie Birks & Jane Mills
32 Nursing Theorists and their work 2014 Martha Raile Alligood
33 Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories and Practice 2014 HugH P. McKeNNa, Majda PajNKiHar, FioNa a. MurPHy
34 Research design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches 2014 Creswell, John W
35 Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2014 W. Lawrence Neuman
36 Research Methodology in Commerce 2013 Shraddha Bhome, Nishikant Jha, Vinod Chandwani
37 Middle range theories Application to Nursing Research 2013 Sandra J. Peterson, Timothy S. Bredow
38 Theoretical Nursing Development and Progress 2012 Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
39 Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence For Nursing Practice 2012 Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck
40 Qualitative Research from Start to Finish 2011 Robert K. Yin
41 Measurement in Medicine 2011 Henrica C. W. de Vet, Caroline B. Terwee, Lidwine B. Mokkink, Dirk L. Knol
42 Understanding the Work of Nurse Theorists 2011 Kathleen L. Sitzman and Lisa Wright Eichelberger
43 Theoretical Basis for Nursing 2011 Melanie Mc Ewen , Evelyn M . Wills
44 Basic Steps in Planning Nursing Research 2011 Marilynn J. Wood, Janet C. Ross-Kerr
45 Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research 2011 Carmen G. Loiselle, Joanne Profetto -McGrath, Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck

Qualitative Research in Nursing(Advancing the Humanistic Imperative)

2011 Helen J. Streubert and  Dona, Rinaldi Carpenter
47 Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare    2010 Immy Holloway, Stephanie Wheeler
48 Methods for Setting Cut Scores in Criterion-referenced Achievement Tests 2010 Felianka Kaftandjieva
49 Measurement in nursing and health research 2010 Carolyn Feher Waltz, Ora Lea Strickland, Elizabeth R. Lenz
50 Transitions Theory 2010 Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
51 Theory Construction and Model-Building Skills :A Practical Guide for Social Scientists 2010 James Jaccard, Jacob Jacoby
52 Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice 2010 Parker, Marilyn E, Smith, Marlaine Cappelli
53 An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing 2010 Johnson, Betty M, Pamela B. Webber
54 Improving Health through Nursing Research 2010 William L. Holzemer
55 Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare 2010 John Maltby, Glenn A. Williams, Julie McGarry, Liz Day

Foundations of Mixed Methods Research 

Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
2009 Charles Teddlie, Abbas Tashakkori
57 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis 2008 Julia H. Littell, Jacqueline Corcoran, Vijayan Pillai
58 Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions 2008 Julian PT Higgins and Sally Green
59 Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation 2007 David Colton and Robert W. Covert
60 Standard setting : A Guide to Establishing and Evaluating Performance Standards on Tests 2007 Gregory J. Cizek, Michael B. Bunch
61 Middle Range Theory Development Using King’s Conceptual System 2007 Christina Leibold Sieloff, Maureen A. Frey
62 Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice 2007 Sister Callista Roy and Dorothy A. Jones
63 Epidemiology Beyond The Basics 2007 Moyses Szklo, F Javier Nieto
64 Contemporary Nursing Knowledge: Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Models and Theories 2006 F. A. Davis.
65 Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires 2006 Ian McDowell
66 Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics 2006 Yogesh Kumar Singh
67 Dictionary of Nursing Theory and Research 2006 Bethel Ann Powers and Thomas R. Knapp, EdD
68 Applied Ethics in Nursing 2006 Vicki D. Lachman
69 Basic epidemiology 2006 R Bonita, R Beaglehole, T Kjellström

Nursing Theories

Conceptual and Philosophical Foundation
2006 Hesook Suzie Kim, Ingrid Kollak
71 Theory-Directed Nursing Practice 2005 Shirley Melat Ziegler
72 Nursing Theories and Models 2005 Hugh McKenna
73 Nursing theories and nursing practice 2005 Marilyn E. Parker
74 Measurement in Health Behavior: Methods for Research and Education 2005 Colleen Konicki Di Iorio
75 Research in Organizations: Foundations and Methods of Inquiry 2005 Richard A. Swanson, Elwood F. Holton III
76 Qualitative Methods in Public Health 2005 Priscilla R. Ulin, Elizabeth T. Robinson, Elizabeth E. Tolley
77 Qualitative Research in Health Care 2005 Immy Holloway
78 Research Methodology:  Methods and Techniques 2004 C.R.Kothari
79 Qualitative Methods for Health Research 2004 Judith Green and Nicki Thorogood
80 Scale Development Theory and Applications 2003 Robert F. DeVellis

Systematic Reviews

2003 Carole Torgerson

Systematic Reviews in Health Care: A Practical Guide

2003 Paul Glasziou, Les Irwig, Chris Bain, Graham Colditz
83 Advanced Qualitative Research for Nursing 2003 Joanna Latimer
84 Measurement of Nursing Outcomes 2003 Ora Lea Strickland, Colleen Dilorio
85 Analyzing qualitative data 2002 Alan Bryman and Robert G.Burgess
86 Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies 2002 Colin R.Martin and David R.Thompson
87 Exemplary Research for Nursing and Midwifery 2002 Anne Marie Rafferty And Michael Traynor
88 Qualitative research in practice Stories from the field 2002 Yvonne Darlington and Dorothy Scott
89 Using Grounded Theory in Nursing 2001 Rita Sara Schreiber and Phyllis Noerager Stern
90 Grounded Theory in Management Research 2001 Karen Locke
91 Evaluation Cookbook 1998 Jen Harvey
92 Basics of Qualitative Research :Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory 1998 Strauss, Anselm L and Corbin, Juliet M.
93 Psychometric Theory (Chapter 1-6) 1994 Jum C. Nunnally, Ira H.Bernstein
94 Psychometric Theory (Chapter 7-11) 1994 Jum C. Nunnally, Ira H.Bernstein
95 Psychometric Theory (Chapter 12-15) 1994 Jum C. Nunnally, Ira H.Bernstein
96 Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement 1992 A.N. Oppenheim
97 Standards and Criteria 1997 Gene V Glass
98 Performance Standards 1997 Nancy W. Burton
99 Evaluation Bias and Its Control 1992 Michael Scriven
100 مروری بر تحلیل محتوای کیفی و کاربرد آن در پژوهش 1394 دکتر مرضیه عادل مهربان
101 راهنمای آسان تحلیل آماری با SPSS 1394 رامین کریمی
102 SPSS 19راهنمای آموزشی    مهدی اکبرزاده

نگارش اصولی متون علمی و آکادمیک با نرم افزار Microsoft Office WORD 2016 و آموزش  Endnote X7 AND scholar.google.com

  رضا بهرامی راد
104 خلاصه کتاب روش شناسی پژوهش کیفی در مدیریت: رویکردی جامع   حسن دانایی فرد، سید مهدی الوانی، عادل آذر
105 روش تحقیق(رویکرد کیفی)   هادی جلیلی


آخرین بروز رسانی : 1403/04/03